Your Brain on Yoga Nidra

So, you’ve heard the phrase “Your Brain on Drugs?” How about, “Your Brain on Yoga Nidra”?

If you haven’t heard that phrase, that’s okay, because I just made it up.

Today, that is exactly what we are going to learn about.

Yoga Nidra is a concept that has been growing in popularity over the last decade. However, this is not a new concept. In fact, it is thousands of years old. It actually dates back before what we consider to be “yoga” today. Maybe you’ve heard about the meditation that’s so easy, “you could do it in your sleep”.

What if I told you that there was a way to improve your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health, in as little as 45 minutes, would you be interested? Yoga Nidra has the ability to do this, offering us a space to explore what is needed in the moment, as well as an opportunity to work on releasing long-held emotions and changing habitual patterns of behavior.

Let’s face it, we live in the western world. We want results, and we want them now. Yoga Nidra can assist with a range of disorders and symptoms including but not limited to: Depression, Anxiety, PTSD, Insomnia, Stress, Menopause, Menstrual cramps, back pain, and so much more. Often times these conditions are side effects to a much bigger issue, which can be rooted in either a deficiency or surplus of neurotransmitters and hormones. Yoga Nidra can restore these levels back to their natural equilibrium, by balancing the left and right hemispheres of the brain.

A fun fact for those of us who are often sleep deprived, this ancient practice allows us to get an equivalent of 3 hours of deep sleep, in as little as 45 minutes.

This is possible due to the brain wave states we travel to in Yoga Nidra.

When our bed hits the pillow at night, it typically takes time to travel from Beta, where we are still awake and conscious, down to Alpha, where we are relaxed and our bed begins feeling very comfy & cozy, to Theta, where our dreams occur, and where REM sleep tends to happen. Lastly, our deepest brain wave state is Delta, this is where rest and repair occurs.

Similar to our experience at bedtime, when beginning our Yoga Nidra practice, our brain is generally in an active state of beta waves, a natural transitional experience as we begin to slow down, and press pause on our day. The mindful & meditative practice then takes us into an alpha state, the brain wave frequency that links conscious thought with the subconscious mind.

As stated by Heather Yoga,

in (the) Alpha state, Serotonin is released, which helps you to reach a transformational experience of inner calm. Following deeper into the practice the brain will then begin to emit delta waves, mimicking what happens when we enter a deep restful sleep. The difference between deep sleep and Yoga Nidra is that you stay awake during this final phase. With such blissful relaxation and awareness, you are able to access your subconscious thoughts and process past memories in the present moment. Repressed and unprocessed grief can loosen their hold, tension and grip, whilst we can learn to find a little more freedom and detachment from unhelpful habits and thought patterns.

(Heather Yoga, 25 Sept. 2020)

Many of the benefits of Yoga Nidra can be attributed to the fact that it is like a vehicle which can take us to many destinations, depending on what needs healing at that time. Consider it a key to health, that fits into many different shaped locks. 

According to Leah Zerbe at Ancient Nutrition,

“We already know that yoga changes your brain. In a first of its kind study in 2002, scientists used brain scan imaging to confirm the natural dopamine-boosting effect of yoga nidra. In fact, a single yoga nidra session resulted in a 65 percent increase in dopamine release, showing the practice regulates conscious states at the synaptic level.”

(By Leah Zerbe, MS, NASM-CPT, NASM-CES)

These outstanding results can be attributed to the nidra’s ability to deliver you to the Delta brain wave state. Fast. Delta is arguably the most beneficial brain wave to the human body, when it comes to accessing the body’s innate healing abilities. In a typical 8-hour night of sleep, we spend roughly about 25%- 35% of that time in Delta, or about 2-3 hours a night. Yoga Nidra can take us to this space in a matter of moments, using a series of mindfulness and mediation techniques.

The best part? You literally cannot do it wrong.

So now that you know how Yoga Nidra partners with our brains to access the Delta brain wave from a conscious state, let’s dive into the benefits!

Here is what TurnOverANewLeaf has to say about it, “

..One benefit of increased Delta waves are the production of 2 anti-aging hormones: DHEA and melatonin. Capable of preventing you from looking well beyond your age, keeping your appearance youthful and exuberant. Delta brainwaves also suppress the production of cortisol, a hormone generated when a person is stressed. By keeping cortisol at bay, it is possible to slow down the aging process… (Another) benefit of increased Delta waves are the production of serotonin, known as the happiness neurochemical/hormone, and oxytocin, known as the love hormone/neurochemical. Both of these generate positive feelings within us and therefore making us feel less stressed.”

(, 6/8/18).

Was that enough to convince you? The best part of this tool is that starting your practice can be absolutely free. There are plenty of guided Yoga Nidra sessions to be found online (you can find mine here -> Yoga Nidra with Aleca.) All you need is an hour of free time, and an area to sit or lie comfortably. If you are interested in beginning your practice with a certified practitioner, I offer virtual and in person sessions that are catered to fit your specific health needs and desires. Yoga Nidra is a vehicle to your body’s natural healing abilities, all you need to do is learn how to drive.


✨ Looking for even more support? Check out my holistic living resources to create a healthier, more aligned life. Get access here -> My FREE Clean Fifteen & Dirty Dozen graphics are an easy place to begin, and when you’re ready to dive deeper, Living a Holistic & Non-Toxic Life: A Practical Guide will walk you through every step toward long-term wellness.

Sending you all my healing energy,

✴ Aleca ✴



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The Healing Benefits of Yoga Nidra